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Thank You For Your Contribution, and May God Bless You Richly

May Heaven Smile Upon You!

Our mission is to help the homeless and those that are in need, this includes providing the following:

  1. Food; can goods, dry goods, sandwiches, meats, vegetables, fruits, and water.

  2. Clothing; men and women attar (winter and summer).

  3. Bedding; bedspreads, sheets, pillows and pillow covering.

To donate items to help us bring love, comfort, and care to those that are in need, please use the form by providing the requested information. The LTC family thank you in advance.

For Delivery Options

You can also contact us by email at Please right-click the email link to open in a new window.


May Heaven enrich your life with peace and prosperity, may the love of God bring the desires of your heart, and may His presence protect you from harm and danger.

Once again, thank you for your help and support. The LTC family!

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